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Pokok Materi Hukum Agraria 1
Joshua Inc
Mohon Support Developer Lokal dengan memberikan POSITIF REVIEW!Aplikasi berisi ulasan lengkap tentang Hukum Agraria diIndonesia. Sangat cocok bagi anda mahasiswa, kaum profesional,serta siapa saja yang ingin mendalami Hukum Agraria.Pokok materi yang dibahas antara lain :1. Pengertian, Ruang Lingkup Dan Perkembangan Hukum Agraria2. Sejarah, Konsepsi Hukum Tanah Nasional (Uupa)3. Hak Hak Atas Tanah Sebelum Lahirnya Uupa4. Pengaturan Dan Pelaksanaan Uupa5. Hak Penguasaan Atas Tanah Menurut Hukum Tanah Nasional DanSistem Konversi Hak Atas Tanah6. Land Reform Di Indonesia7. Pendaftaran Tanah8. Tata Guna Tanah9. Penyediaan Tanah Guna Pemba Ngunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum10. Sengketa Pertanahan Dan Sistem Peradil Annya11. Delik Pertanahan Di Indonesia Dan Sistem Peradilannya12. Tanah Sebagai Jaminan Kredit13. Aspek Hukum Rumah Susun Di Indonesia14. Pengertian, Fungsi Dan Sejarah Perwakafan15. Syarat Dan Rukun Wakaf16. Pelaksanaan Perwakafan Di IndonesiaUU No 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria +PenjelasanPP No 24 Tahun 1997 Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah + PenjelasanAplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
Close Combat Training 1.0
Joshua Inc
If you are looking to learn Close Combat you just found what youare looking for. This application will provide you an ultimatetutorial.Close combat is the physical confrontation be-tween two or moreopponents. It involves armed and unarmed and lethal and nonlethalfighting techniques that range from enforced compliance to deadlyforce. The purpose of close combat is to execute armed and unarmedtechniques to pro-duce both lethal and nonlethal results. Unarmedtechniques include hand-to-hand combat and de-fense againsthand-held weapons. Armed tech-niques include techniques appliedwith a rifle, bayonet, knife, baton, or any weapon ofopportu-nity.
Windows Command Line 2
Joshua Inc
If you Like, please rate and review!The Windows Command Line Beginner's Guide gives users new to theWindows command line an overview of the Command Prompt, from simpletasks to network configuration.This application completelly native offline application, so youdont have to get internet connection to use it, and also havebuild-in :1. Text-to-Speech,2. Search,3. Autoscrolling,4. Automatic Bookmarking.5. AND IT'S FREE.In the Guide, you'll learn how to:-Manage the Command Prompt.-Copy & paste from the Windows Command Prompt.-Create batch files.-Remotely manage Windows machines from the command line.-Manage disks, partitions, and volumes.-Set an IP address and configure other network settings.-Set and manage NTFS and file sharing permissions.-Customize and modify the Command Prompt.-Create and manage file shares.-Copy, move, and delete files and directories from the commandline.-Manage processes from the command line.-And many other topics.Table of Contents :IntroductionChapter 1 - Command Line BasicsChapter 2 - Drive Letters and the File SystemChapter 3 – Understanding the promptChapter 4 - Working with directoriesChapter 5 - File attributes and NTFS permissionsChapter 6 – Wildcards and redirectionChapter 7 - Copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files.Chapter 8 - NetworkingChapter 9 – Disk managementChapter 10 - Connecting to file sharesChapter 11 - Managing user accountsChapter 12 - Remote accessChapter 13 - Batch filesChapter 14 – Task Management
Theology History Apps 1
Joshua Inc
This application contain of the history oftheology is designed to provide an introduction to Christiandogmatic literature and to describe its stages of development. Thehistory of theology is, therefore, a branch of the history ofideas; it deals with the sources of the Christian tradition andexamines the development of ideas reflected therein.This apps contain :Chapter 1. The Apostolic FathersChapter 2. The ApologistsChapter 3. Jewish Christianity and GnosticismChapter 4. The Anti-Gnostic FathersChapter 5. Alexandrian TheologyChapter 6. Monarchianism: The Trinitarian ProblemChapter 7. Arianism: The Council of NicaeaChapter 8. Athanasius: The Formation of the TrinitarianDoctrineChapter 9. The Christological ProblemChapter 10. The Development of the Concept of the ChurchChapter 11. AugustineChapter 12. The Controversy on Augustinianism to the Synod ofOrange, 529Chapter 13. The Transition from the Early Period to the MedievalPeriod; Gregory the GreatChapter 14. Carolingian TheologyChapter 15. The Lord’s Supper in the Early Middle AgesChapter 16. The Doctrine of Penance in the Early Middle AgesChapter 17. The Older ScholasticismChapter 18. High ScholasticismChapter 19. Late ScholasticismChapter 20. The Medieval MysticsChapter 21. LutherChapter 22. MelanchthonChapter 23. ZwingliChapter 24. CalvinChapter 25. Reformed Theology to and Including the Synod of Dort,1618–19Chapter 26. Reformation Theology in Lutheran Areas to the Formulaof Concord, 1577Chapter 27. The Formula of ConcordChapter 28. The Counter-Reformation: Roman Catholic TheologyChapter 29. Reformation and Post-Reformation Theology inEnglandChapter 30. Lutheran OrthodoxyChapter 31. PietismChapter 32. The EnlightenmentChapter 33. Nineteenth-Century DevelopmentsChapter 34. The Theology of the Early 20th Century; ContemporaryTrends
UU Desa 1.0
Joshua Inc
Undang - Undang Nomor 6 tahun 2014 tentangDesa dalam bentuk flip ebook
UU Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati 1.0
Joshua Inc
NOTE : UU ini telah dicabut dengan PERPU NO 1Tahun 2014 yang bisa anda dapatkan juga di Google Play secaragratis dari Joshua IncAplikasi ini memuat Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2014 PemilihanGubernur, Bupati, Dan Walikota dengan keunggulan sebagai berikut:1. Dalam bentuk flip book yang keren2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
Krav Maga Training 1.0
Joshua Inc
If you are looking to learn Krav Maga you justfound what you are looking for. This application will provide youan ultimate tutorial.What Is Krav Maga?Krav Maga (pronounced KRAHV muh-GAH, which means “contact combat”in Hebrew) is a simpl aggressive, easy-to-learn andeasy-to-remember system of self- defense. Krav Maga trainingfocuses on principles rather than techniques because no two attacksare ever the same. No two people are the same. And, in fact, thesame person confronted with a certain threat will react differentlyone day compared to another day.The essence of Krav Maga can be understood by defining some ofthese principles. Among the principles that make up the Krav Magasystem are the following:• Techniques should be movements based on natural instincts.• Techniques must address the immediate danger.• Techniques must defend and counterattack simultaneously.• One defense must work against a variety of attacks.• The system should be integrated so that movements learned in onearea of the system complement, rather than contradict, movements inanother area.• Techniques must be accessible to the average person, not justathletes.• Techniques must work from a position of disadvantage.• Training must include the stress experienced in real attacks.
Kompilasi KUHP - KUHAP - HIR 1
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini berisi kompilasi lengkap :1. Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP)2. Undang-Undang Nomor : 8 Tahun 1981 Tentang : Hukum Acara Pidana(KUHAP)3. Herzien Inlandsch Reglement (H.I.R) / Reglemen Indonesia YangDiperbaharui (R.I.B.)4. Rancangan KUHAPAplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%6. Ukuran file sangat kecil, hanya 2MB
UU 24 TAHUN 2011 - BPJS 1.0
Joshua Inc
Buku ini memuat Undang - Undang Nomor 24 Tahun2011 tentang Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) dalam bentukflip book yang menarik. Download sekarang, GRATIS.
Learn to Speak Hindi 1.0
Joshua Inc
Hindi is one of the most spoken languages inthe world. About 500 million people speak Hindi in India andabroad, and the total number of people who can understand thelanguage may be as high as 800 million. Hindi is an Indo-Aryanlanguage, and a direct descendant of Sanskrit. It is one of theofficial languages of India and is spoken primarily in north andcentral India, along with other languages such as Punjabi,Gujarati, Marathi or Bengali. Hindi is also closely related toUrdu, the primary language of Pakistan.You will find on this application : the method to know how tolearn vocabulary, usefull expressions and good pronunciation tospeak HindiThis application completelly native offline application, so youdont have to get internet connection to use it.If you Like, please rate and review!
Marine Martial Art 1.0
Joshua Inc
This application will cover the fundamentalsof Marine Corps Martial Arts to include the purpose of closecombat, ranges of close combat, weapons of the body, target areasof the body, pressure points, basic warrior stance, and angles ofapproach and movement, and body hardening.There are several fundamentals of the physical discipline of ourmartial arts that are used throughout any type of confrontation orsituation. These fundamentals form the basis for all martial artsinstruction and techniques. Additionally, you must prepare yourbody for the rigors of combat. To do so your body must possess theattributes of both toughness and flexibility. Like iron, you mustbe able to absorb and give out punishment but have the flexibilityto prevent injuries. The proper execution of these fundamentalswill enable you to effectively perform martial arts techniques thatmay very well save your life or the lives of fellow Marines oneday.
Joshua Inc
Pedoman Tata Kerja (PTK) Nomor 007 SatuanKerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas BumiAplikasi ini berisi Pedoman Tata Kerja Pengelolaan RantaiSuplaiBuku Kesatu Revisi 02 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Buku Kedua Revisi03 tentang Pedoman pelaksanaan pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dimuatsecara lengkap dan detail dalam bentuk flip book yang keren.Aplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Dalam bentuk flip book yang keren2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%Mohon support developer lokal dengan memberikan rating positif.Terima kasih
KUHD Lengkap 1.1
Joshua Inc
KITAB UNDANG-UNDANG HUKUM DAGANG (Wetboek vanKoophandel voor Indonesie)
Rangkuman Hukum TUN 1
Joshua Inc
Mohon support Developer Lokal denganmemberikan POSITIF REVIEW!Aplikasi ini berisi rangkuman Hukum Tata Usaha Negara (TUN) sebagaiberikut :Aplikasi ini berisi :1. Tabel Lengkap Hukum Acara TUN2. Alur Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara3. Prosedur Beracara Di Tingkat PTUN4. Mengajukan Gugatan Dalam Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara5. Pembuktian Dalam Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara6. Proses Dismissal Dan Upaya Hukum Perlawanan7. Contoh Surat Gugatan PTUNDilengkapi Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 Tentang Peradilan TataUsaha Negara beserta Perubahan Pertama dengan UU Nomor 9 Tahun 2004Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 TentangPeradilan Tata Usaha Negara dan Perubahan kedua denganUndang-UndangNomor 51 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perubahan Kedua AtasUndang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 Tentang Peradilan Tata UsahaNegaraAplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
Translation of Sahih Bukhari 1.0
Joshua Inc
Sahih al-Bukhari is a collection of hadithcompiled by Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari (d. 256 AH/870 AD)(rahimahullah). His collection is recognized by the overwhelmingmajority of the Muslim world to be the most authentic collection ofreports of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. It contains over7500 hadith (with repetitions) in 97 books. The translationprovided here is by Dr. M. Muhsin Khan.
KUHAP English Version 1
Joshua Inc
Law Of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 8 Year1981 Regarding Criminal ProcedureUndang - Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 Tentang Hukum Acara Pidana -dalam bahasa InggrisIf you Like, please rate and review!This application completelly native offline application, so youdont have to get internet connection to use it, and also havebuild-in :1. Text-to-Speech,2. Search,3. Autoscrolling,4. Automatic Bookmarking.5. AND IT'S FREE.
Kyokushin Budo Kai Guide 1
Joshua Inc
This application has been compiled into thetechniques and philosophies of the styles of Kyokushin Budo Kai toimprove your understanding as a practitioner of Kyokushin Karate.This apps contain :Chapter 01. What is Kyokushin Budo KaiChapter 02. What does Kyokushin Budo Kai mean in EnglishChapter 03. The PhilosophyChapter 04. Kyokushin Dojo Kun (Training Hall Oath)Chapter 05. The Eleven Mottos of the Kyokushin WayChapter 06. The International Kyokushin BudokaiChapter 07. The Origins of KarateChapter 08. The Origins of Jiu JitsuChapter 09. The Origins of JudoChapter 10. Masutatsu Oyama (Mas Oyama) 1923 – 1994Chapter 11. Jon Bluming, Founder of Kyokushin Budo KaiChapter 12. Kaicho Jon Bluming – An In Depth InterviewChapter 13. KihonChapter 14.1 What is KataChapter 14.2 About Pinan KataChapter 14.3 About Sanchin No KataChapter 14.4 Taikyoku Sono IchiChapter 14.5 Taikyoku Sono NiChapter 14.6 Taikyoku Sono SanChapter 14.7 Pinan Sono IchiChapter 14.8 Pinan Sono NiChapter 14.9 Pinan Sono SanChapter 14.10 Sanchin No KataChapter 14.11 Pinan Sono YonChapter 14.12 Pinan Sono GoChapter 14.13 Gekisai DaiChapter 14.14 YantsuChapter 14.15 Tsuki No KataChapter 14.16 SaifaChapter 14.17 TenshoChapter 14.18 SeienchinChapter 14.19 Kanku DaiChapter 15. Technique Gallery KarateChapter 15. 1 Buki - WeaponsChapter 15.2 DachiChapter 15.3 Te WazaChapter 15.4 Geri WazaChapter 16. Technique Gallery Judo - Jiu Jitsu Ne WazaChapter 17. Jime - Shime WazaChapter 18. Tameshiwari (Breaking)This application completelly native offline application, so youdont have to get internet connection to use it, and also havebuild-in :1. Text-to-Speech,2. Search,3. Autoscrolling,4. Automatic Bookmarking.5. AND IT'S FREE.If you Like, please rate and review!
Backyard JiuJitsu 1.0
Joshua Inc
Sometimes you can’t go to the Dojo to practiceyour Jiu Jitsu. Sometimes you can’t make it to the Gym to practiceyour Jiu Jitsu. Sometimes you can’t pick the time and place to havea fight. Sometimes you have to fight wherever the punk wants. Sosometimes you better practice your Jiu Jitsu in your backyard, sothat you are ready.Anywhere….anytime…for anyone.
Kompas Arah Sholat 3in1 1.1
Joshua Inc
Kompas Penjunjuk Arah Kiblat untuk Sholat dandilengkapi dengan penunjuk Waktu Sholat serta Kalender HijriyahConverter
UU Dokumen Perusahaan 1.0
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini berisi Undang - Undang Nomor 8Tahun 1997 tentang Dokumen Perusahaan dalam bentuk flip book.
UU No 3 - 2014 Perindustrian 1.0
Joshua Inc
Undang - Undang Nomor 3 tahun 2014 tentangPerindustrian dalam bentuk flip ebook disertai dengan daftar isiyang lengkap, menu search, serta bookmark function.
UU Organisasi Kemasyarakatan 1
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini memuat UU Nomor 17 Tahun 2013Tentang Organisasi Kemasyarakatan dengan keunggulan sebagai berikut:1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
Perpu Pemilihan Gubernur 1.0
Joshua Inc
Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-UndangNomor 1 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, Dan Walikotayang mencabut Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2014 Pemilihan Gubernur,Bupati, Dan WalikotaAplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Dalam bentuk flip book yang keren2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
UU Pengelolaan Zakat 1
Joshua Inc
Mohon support Developer Lokal denganmemberikan REVIEW POSITIF!Aplikasi ini memuat Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2011 TentangPengelolaan Zakat dengan keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
UU Lembaga Keuangan Mikro 1
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini memuat Undang-Undang Nomor 1Tahun 2013 Tentang Lembaga Keuangan Mikro dengan keunggulan sebagaiberikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
UU Penanaman Modal 1
Joshua Inc
Mohon support Developer Lokal denganmemberikan REVIEW POSITIF!Aplikasi ini memuat Undang Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 TentangPenanaman Modal dengan keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
LLC and Corporation Start-Up 1.0
Joshua Inc
This book filled with essential forms andadvice, The LLC and Corporation Start-Up Guide will help you avoidproblems and save you immeasurable amounts of time, effort andmoney.The LLC and Corporation Start-Up Guide is a must-have resourcefor the aspiring business owner who needs to know about organizingor incorporating his or her business. While anyone can start a newbusiness venture, the smart proprietor knows that putting the rightlegal protections in place is the most important step for thebusiness.--Learn advantages and disadvantages of setting up a corporationor an LLC--Protect yourself from personal liability--Master start-up procedures and tax regulations that you need toknow--Discover step-by-step procedures for setting up yourbusiness--Learn how to run your business
Plyometric Martial Art 1.0
Joshua Inc
Plyometric Martial Art exercises and intensiveflexibility training designed to increase your kicking power,speed, flexibility and skill level. Based on scientific principles.Plyometric Martial Art exercises will boost your muscles, jointsand nervous system interfaces to the next performance level. Afteronly a few weeks of training, you should see a marked improvementin the speed of your kicks and footwork, the power of your kicks,the height of your jumps, your stamina and your overallflexibility.Hundreds of drawings and photographs will guide you through thebasic plyometric and stretching exercises. Once you’ve mastered thebasics, add the kicking-oriented variations to your workout for anextra challenge.
Complete Exposures Guide 1.1
Joshua Inc
From this great FREE application, youwilllearn:• Which aperture gives you the greatest contrast andsharpness,and when to use it• Which apertures guarantee the background remains anout-of-focustone• Which one aperture—when combined with the right lens—createsanarea of sharpness from three feet to infinity• How to creatively use shutter speed to either freeze an actionorimply motion• Where to take a meter reading when shooting a sunset, snow, oracity at duskWith new information on white balance, flash, HDR, and more,thisupdated classic will inspire you to stop guessing and takecontrolof your settings for better photos anytime, anywhere, andwith anycamera.
160 Legal Forms 1
Joshua Inc
If you Like, please rate and review!This application contains legal forms, letters and agreementstosafeguard your legal rights and protect you and your businessfromeveryday legal problems.Contents :Academic Letter of RecommendationAcknowledgement of Customer ComplaintAdverse Action Disclosure LettersAffidavit of Lost Promissory NoteAffidavit of Lost Promissory Note and Indemnity AgreementAgency AgreementAmendment of AgreementApplicant Rejection LetterArbitration AgreementArtwork ReleaseAssignment of AgreementAssignment of Commercial LeaseAssignment of Residential LeaseBand Partnership AgreementBill of Sale - AutomobileBill of Sale - Automobile with Promissory NoteBill of Sale - Boat with WarrantyBreach of Contract NoticeBusiness Letter of RecommendationBusiness Plan Nondisclosure AgreementCalifornia General AffidavitCalifornia Partial Release and Waiver of Liens (Conditional)California Partial Release and Waiver of Liens(Unconditional)California Release and Waiver of Liens on FullPayment(Conditional)California Release and Waiver of Liens on FullPayment(Unconditional)Catering Services AgreementCertification of Cease and DesistCohabitation AgreementCommercial Rental ApplicationContinuing Guaranty (Unlimited Amount)Copyright AssignmentCopyright License Agreement (Artwork)Copyright License Agreement (Written Work)Debt Settlement AgreementDemand for Full Payment on Installment Promissory NoteDemand for Payment on Demand Promissory NoteDirect Deposit AuthorizationDistribution Agreement (Commission-Based)Dog Walking AgreementDomain Name AssignmentDomain Name Cease and Desist LetterEarnest Money Promissory NoteEmployee Absence Report and SummaryEmployee AgreementEmployee Cell Phone PolicyEmployee Handbook AcknowledgmentEmployee Internet PolicyEmployee Nondisclosure AgreementEmployee ReviewEmployee Separation ChecklistEmployee Termination LetterEmployee Written WarningEmployment and Salary Verification FormEmployment ApplicationEmployment Offer LetterEquipment Lease AgreementExclusive Purchasing Agency AgreementExclusive Sales Representative AgreementExtension of AgreementFinal InvoiceFlorida General AffidavitGeneral AgreementGeneral Contractor AgreementGeneral Contractor Agreement (Cost Plus Fee)Illinois General AffidavitIndependent Contractor AgreementIndependent Contractor ApplicationIndependent Contractor Unilateral Nondisclosure AgreementIntellectual Property AssignmentJob Acceptance LetterJob Offer Rejection LetterJoint Venture Agreement AmendmentsLand Co-Ownership AgreementLandlord Consent to AssignmentLandlord Consent to SubleaseLandlord Welcome LetterLandlord's Letter Returning Security DepositLate Payment Collection LetterLead Warning and Disclosure StatementLetter of Intent for Business TransactionLetter of ResignationLocation ReleaseManagement Services AgreementModel Release for AdultsModel Release for MinorsMotorcycle Bill of SaleMove-In, Move-Out ChecklistMutual Nondisclosure AgreementMutual Rescission of Contract and ReleaseNonexclusive Purchasing Agency AgreementNonexclusive Sales Representative AgreementNotice of Default on Installment Promissory NoteNotice of Dissolution of Partnership (Debtors and Creditors)Notice to Pay Rent or QuitOnline Advertising AgreementPartnership Dissolution AgreementPatent Application AssignmentPatent AssignmentPerformance AgreementPermission to Reprint Published MaterialPermission to Reproduce ImagesPersonal Management AgreementPet Custody AgreementPet Sitting AgreementPhotography Services AgreementProduct Supply AgreementAND MUCH MORE!!!!!This application completelly native offline application, soyoudont have to get internet connection to use it, and alsohavebuild-in :1. Text-to-Speech,2. Search,3. Autoscrolling,4. Automatic Bookmarking.5. AND IT'S FREE.
UU Aparatur Sipil Negara 1.0
Joshua Inc
Undang - Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014tentangAparatur Sipil Negara dalam bentuk Flip Book
Peraturan Pertandingan IPSI 1.0
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini berisi PeraturanPertandinganIkatan Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI) hasil Munas 2012yang dimuatsecara lengkap dan detail dalam bentuk flip book yangkeren.Aplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Dalam bentuk flip book yang keren2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
UU Pemerintahan Daerah 2.0
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini memuat Undang-Undang Nomor23Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah dengan keunggulansebagaiberikut :1. Dalam bentuk flip book yang keren2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
Kisah 25 Nabi 1.1
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi yang menceritakan kisah 25Nabidilengkapi dengan jadwal sholat Indonesia dan radiomuslim
101 Interview Questions 1.1
Joshua Inc
Interviewing for a job can be anerve-rackingexperience. There may even be three or four interviewsbefore anapplicant receives their new badge and papers to get adrug test.This is why preparation for these interviews is crucialto moveahead in the hiring process and score that dream job.Applicantscan be highly qualified for a position, but fail to get acall backbecause of an insufficient answer during the interviews.Thisapplication is a compilation of common interrogation topicsused byinterviewers and the answers that can get an applicant inthedoor.
UU Sistem Peradilan Anak 1.0
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini memuat Undang - Undang Nomor11Tahun 2012 Tentang Sistem Peradilan Anak dalam bentuk flipbookyang menarik. Download sekarang. Gratis!
UU Perdagangan 1
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini memuat peraturan terbarumengenaiperdagangan, yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2014tentangPerdaganganAplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. Ukuran file / size yang relatif kecil6. GRATIS 100%Ayo dukung developer lokal dengan memberikan reviewpositif.Terima kasih
Belajar Pencak Silat 1
Joshua Inc
Belajar Gerak Dasar pencak Silat (FullGambar)dengan materi :- Kuda - kuda- Sikap pasang- Langkah- Serangan Tangan- Serangan Kaki- Serangan dengan Anggota Tubuh Lainnya- Belaan / tangkisan- Hindaran- Tehnik Kuncian- Tehnik BantinganAplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%
Free ITIL Exam Questions 1.1
Joshua Inc
This application is for all of those thatneedthat little bit of extra help in preparing for, learning about,andfinding your focus for the ITIL Foundation exam - whether youarepreparing for ITIL v3 .This application is intended to assist you in yourpreparationfor the ITIL® Foundation exam. This application does notreplacethe need for training - either formal classroom trainingorself-study.This application is intended to present you with questionsthatmimic the content, structure and format of your ITIL®Foundationexam.
Delicious Desserts Recipes 1.1
Joshua Inc
Start cooking at home!We have helped many people to live healthier and discover thetasteof real food!Browse the free recipes, at the comfort of your home!Not many people can resist a dessert. A good one will cheeryouup after a bad day at work, banish the blues and make agrandfinale to a special meal or a welcome alternative gift to abunchof flowers when visiting friends for supper.You can use this application offline, withoutinternetconectivity.Enjoy this following delicious dessert recipes inthisapplication :1. Lemon Puddle Pudding2. Roasted Pears With Oriental Spices3. Sticky Toffee Puddings4. Choco Bread & Butter Pudding5. Hot Blackberry & Apple Trifle6. Vanilla Soufflés & Apricot Coulis7. Jam Roly-Poly8. Apricot Queen of Puddings9. Steamed Pudding With Mango10. Steamed Apple Pudding11. Double Chocolate Puddings12. Rice Pudding With Drunken Raisins13. Chocolate & Marshmallow Torte14. Topsy-Turvy Banana Gingercake15. Pear & Hazelnut Sponge Squares16. Apricot Clafouti17. Orchard Fruit Crumble18. Red Rice Risotto & Sautéed Grapes19. Toffee & Banana Pancakes20. Cranberry Eve’s Pudding21. Gingered Profiteroles22. Macadamia & Vanilla Tart23. Strawberry Choux Puffs24. Peach & Blueberry Jalousie25. Pear Dumplings With Figs26. Freeform Apple & Mixed Berry Pie27. Portuguese Custard Tarts28. Lemon Meringue Pie29. Classic Lemon Tart30. Gateau Pithiviers With Plums31. Pecan, Maple Syrup & Choc Tart32. Cherry Frangipane Tart33. Pear & Almond Tart34. Sweet Fruity Pizzas35. Mixed Berry Tartlets36. Deep Dish Puff Apple Pie37. Mango & Palm Sugar Tatin38. Pumpkin Pie39. Kaffir Lime Tart40. Plum Tripiti41. Apple & Muscatel Strudel42. Double Chocolate Tart43. Mini Nectarine & Blueberry Tarts44. White Chocolate & Raspberry Puffs45. Banoffee Pie46. Papaya, Lime & Mango Tartlets47. Strawberry Rosé Jelly & Syllabub48. Chilled Blackcurrant & Mint Soufflé49. Summer Berry Sponge50. Hazelnut Meringue Gateau51. Summer Berry Mousses52. Baked Ricotta Cheesecake53. Lemon Polenta Cake54. Coffee Latte Custards55. Choc & Chestnut Roulade56. Amaretti & Chocolate Custard57. Hazelnut & Pear Roulade58. Gooseberry Fool With Lemon Thins59. Strawberry & Lavender Soufflés60. Pavlovas With Orange Cream61. Vanilla Crème Brûlée62. Blueberry & Cherry Cheesecake63. Raspberry & Champagne Brûlée64. Gingered Pineapple Trifle65. Florentine Vanilla Cheesecake66. Rosemary Panna Cottas67. Pink Grapefruit Cream68. Tuile Baskets & Strawberry Cream
Kompilasi UU Ketenagakerjaan 1
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini memuat kompilasiperaturanperundangan di bidang ketenagakerjaan sebagai berikut :Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang ketenagakerjaanUndang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2004 TentangPenyelesaianPerselisihan Hubungan IndustrialUndang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2000 TentangSerikat Pekerja/Serikat BuruhPeraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi Nomor 19Tahun2012 Tentang Syarat-Syarat Penyerahan SebagianPelaksanaanPekerjaan Kepada Perusahaan LainAplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. Ukuran file / size yang relatif kecil6. GRATIS 100%
Kitab Bulughul Maram 1.1
Joshua Inc
Bulughul Maram merupakan salah satukaryafenomenal dari al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalany setelahSyarah(penjelasan) Shahih Bukhari, yaitu Fathul-Bari. Kitab inibeliautulis berdasarkan hafalan beliau tanpa melihat kepadakitabaslinya. Sungguh mulia beliau menghafal sekian ribu hadits,lalumengajarkannya. Begitupun hingga kini, berapa banyak berapabanyakulama yang telah dan sedang mengajarkan kitab ini kepadakaummuslimin.Kitab ini berisi :1. Kitab ThaharahBab Air-airBab Bejana-bejanaBab Najis dan Cara MenghilangkannyaBab WudluBab Mengusap Dua KhufBab Yang Membatalkan WudluBab Cara Buang AirBab Mandi dan hukum JunubBab TayammumBab Haidl2. Kitab ShalatBab Waktu-waktu (Shalat)Bab AdzanBab Syarat-syarat ShalatBab Sutrah Bagi Orang Yang ShalatBab Anjuran Khusyu Dalam ShalatBab Mesjid-mesjidBab Shifat ShalatBab Sujud Sahwi dan yang lainnyaBab Shalat ThathawwuBab Shalat Berjama'ah dan imamBab Shalat Musafir dan Yang SakitBab Shalat Jum'atBab Shalat KhaufBab Shalat Dua Hari RayaBab Shalat GerhanaBab Shalat IstisqaBab Pakaian3. Kitab Jenazah4. Kitab ZakatKitab ZakatBab Zakat FitrahBab Shadaqah ThathawwuBab Pembagian Shadaqah5. Kitab ShiyamBab Shaum Sunnah dan Shaum Yang DilarangBab I'tikaf dan Ibadah Ramadlan6. Kitab HajiBab Keutamaan Haji dan Yang Berkewajiban HajiBab Tentang MiqatBab Wajib Ihram dan SifatnyaBab Ihram dan Yang Berhubungan DengannyaBab Sifat Haji dan Masuk Kota MakkahBab Terlambat dan Terhalangnya Haji7. Kitab Jual BeliBab Syarat-syarat dan yang Di Larang Diperjual-belikanBab KhiyarBab RibaBab Rukhshah Menjual Buah-buahanBab Salam, Qiradh, dan GadaiBab Taflis (Bangkrut) dan Hajr (Menyita)Bab PerdamaianBab Memindahkan Hutang dan MenanggungBab Syirkah dan WakalahBab Iqrar (Pengakuan)Bab AriyahBab GhashabBab Syuf'ahBab QiradhBab Musaqah dan IjarahBab Menghidupkan Tanah Yang MatiBab WaqafBab Hibah, Umra dan RuqbaBab Barang TemuanBab FaraidlBab WasiatBab Barang Titipan8. Kitab NikahHadits-hadits tentang NikahBab Kafa'ah dan KhiyarBab Pergaulan Dengan IstriBab MaskawinBab WalimahBab Pembagian GiliranBab KhuluBab ThalaqBab RujukBab Ila', Zihar dan KafaratBab Sumpah Li'anBab Iddah dan IhdadBab PenyusuanBab Nafaqah/Pemeliharaan9. Kitab Urusan PidanaHadits-hadits tentang PidanaBab DendaBab Menuntut Darah dan SumpahBab Memerangi Para PemberontakBab Memerangi Para Penjahat dan Membunuh Orang Murtad10. Kitab HukumanBab Hukuman Pelaku ZinaBab Hukuman MenuduhBab Hukum PencurianBab Hukuman bagi Peminum dan Penjelasan tentang MinumanYangMemabukkanBab Ta'zir dan Hukum Penjahat11. Kitab JihadHadits-hadits tentang JihadBab Upeti dan Gencatan SenjataBab Berlomba dan Memanah12. Kitab MakananBab Binatang Buruan dan SembelihanBab KurbanBab Aqiqah13. Kitab Sumpah dan Nazar14. Kitab Memutuskan PerkaraBab PersaksianBab Dakwa dan Bukti15. Kitab Memerdekakan BudakBab Mudabbar Mukatab dan Ummul Walad16. Kitab KelengkapanBab AdabBab Kebaikan dan SilaturrahmiBab Zuhud dan WaraBab Peringatan untuk Menghindari Kejelekan AkhlakBab Mendorong untuk Melakukan KebaikanBab Dzikir dan Do'a
Kamus Pasar Modal 1
Joshua Inc
Aplikasi ini berisi Kamus Lengkap IstilahPasarModal mulai dari A - Z.Aplikasi ini memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut :1. Text to Speech2. Dapat digunakan tanpa internet connection / offline3. Fungsi bookmark4. Fungsi search5. GRATIS 100%6. Ukuran file sangat kecil, hanya 2MB
Complete Public Administration 3.4
Joshua Inc
Public administration is the implementation of government policyandalso an academic discipline that studies this implementationandprepares civil servants for working in the public service.KeyFeatures of this app: - Complete contents regardingPublicAdministration - Full Offline, No Need Internet Connection -Clearand easy to understand - Interesting view Disclaimer : Allofcontent in this application is not our trademark. We only getthecontent from search engine and website. Please let me know ifyouroriginal content want to remove from our application. Your useofthis application is governed by Terms and Conditions andalsoPrivacy Policy as stipulated inside of this application.
Complete Legal Forms 1
Joshua Inc
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